Bookings schedule list and calendar

As a flight school owner, administrator, or a staff member, the bookings schedule view will probably be the most important screen in the portal, and one that you'll be looking at and using the most.

Here's how a filled in schedule can look like:

First of all, you can choose from one of two view options: Schedule (a calendar) or Grid (table).

By default we'll present you with a more visual way of looking at reservations in a horizontal calendar day view, but you can also switch to a table to view more details at a glance.

The screen has several customization options. Most importantly, you can quickly navigate between dates.

Also, in the Schedule screen, you can choose Compact view to open a more condensed calendar - useful on smaller screens, or if you have a lot of resources!

The blue vertical line represents the current time and is visible if the selected date is today.

Keep in mind the line represents the current time in the timezone in which the currently opened airport is located, so may not match your own time if you're viewing the portal from somewhere else!

If your organization has more than one location, the location selector will appear. You can view bookings from one location at a time.

Displayed bookings are also color-coded. Blue entries represent confirmed bookings, and grey ones are pending. You can confirm or cancel a pending reservation.

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