Uploading and viewing member documents

You can attach document files to any member in your organization. A document is a file like a PDF scan, image, or a ZIP archive. A document can (but doesn't need to) have an expiry date.

View documents

Open the Members module and hover over the documents icon on the resource row.

The tooltip will display how many documents are attached to a particular user. Click on the button to open the member's documents page.

You can download a document by clicking on the file name, or on the Download button.

You can also delete a document. You'll be prompted to confirm the deletion, as this action cannot be undone.

Uploading a document

Click on the Upload document button to open the document upload modal. Select a file you'd like to upload (maximum limit is 500MB per file) and add optional description text, as well as select whether document ever expires or not. Click save changes to create an attach the document to the resource.

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